Portfolio Potential

If you follow John Baron via www.johnbaronportfolios.co.uk or the Investors Chronicle, and you are looking for a professionally-managed John Baron investment trust portfolio, click here to get in touch

  • Have you followed John’s trades for a number of years but no longer have the time, inclination or capacity to do-it-yourself?
  • Are you worried about who will manage your portfolio for the benefit of your loved ones if you were to no longer be able to manage it?
  • Is your portfolio suitable to your circumstances and risk profile?
  • Are you frustrated with missing trades when busy?

Why consider a move to B&G?

  • John Baron is Chair of B&G’s Investment Committee – we are specialists in managing investment trust focused portfolios
  • Benefit from institutional dealing capability with no dealing costs
  • Our core specialism in investment trust focused portfolios is genuinely differentiated in the marketplace
  • Benefit from an investment trust focused portfolio that is suitable, constantly monitored, and actively managed within your agreed risk perimeters
  • Access to the investment team

If you believe in the virtues of investment trusts and are looking to move to a professionally managed service – we are your home

Baron & Grant is harnessing the advantages of investment trusts to the benefit of their clients.

The company is also seeking, with the help of others, to ​help​​ investors generally better understand how investment trusts can achieve financial objectives.

Find out more